Sunday, August 30, 2009


MabonMabon is the name of the Welsh God who represents fertility in Welsh lore. Mabon is a time when both day and night are equal, not only is day and night equal but everything is in balance at this time. Mabon is also the time Oak & Holly King. Throughout the year they have challenged each other and then mate with the Goddess. At Mabon, the Holly King challenges the Oak King and wins, the Holly King rules until the Spring Equinox where the opposite occurs.
Lore - A traditional practice is to walk in wild places and forests. Gather seed pods, and dried plants. These can be used to decorate the home and other saved for future herbal magick.
Celebrating the second harvest, balance, honoring the aging deities, honoring the spirit world, darkness overtaking light & celebration of wine.
Colors - Brown, Orange, Violet, Maroon, Russet, Deep Gold
Symbols - Grapes, Wine, Vines, Garland, Gourds, Burial Cairns, Rattles, Horn of Plenty, Indian Corn & Sun Wheels.
Deities - Wine Deities and Aging Deities
Stones - Amethyst & Yellow Topaz
Ritual Oils - Apple Blossom, Hay/straw, Black Pepper and Patchouly.
Food - The foods of Mabon include grains, fruits and vegetables, especially corn. Cornbread is the traditional food as are beans and baked squash.

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